Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is a common issue that affects both men and women. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are hormonal imbalances, genetics, aging, medical conditions, and certain medications. Determining the best hair restoration treatment for you will depend on a variety of factors including the extent of your hair loss, individual goals, and preferences. 

At Lenzy Dermatology, treatment for hair loss starts with a comprehensive evaluation conducted by board certified dermatologist and hair loss expert, Dr. Yolanda Lenzy, and involves a thorough examination of your scalp and hair to determine the cause of your hair loss. During your evaluation, Dr. Lenzy will ask you questions about your medical history, family history of hair loss, diet, and medication usage and overall lifestyle. 

Your scalp and hair examination will typically involve visual inspection for scalp cutaneous disorders, examination for the presence and severity of inflammation, measurement of hair growth and density, and pull tests for diagnosis of androgenetic or telogen effluvium-related conditions. Special considerations for alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecia and infections, would include the use of a device known as a trichoscopy, which utilizes specialized optics to magnify images of the skin and hair.

What to Expect

Dr. Lenzy may also order certain laboratory tests, such as blood tests or a scalp biopsy, to help determine the underlying cause of your hair loss. Based on the findings of the evaluation, Dr. Lenzy may recommend hair restoration treatments such as: topical or oral medications, in-office scalp injections or cosmetic laser procedures, or lifestyle modifications to preserve and/or promote scalp health.

A comprehensive hair evaluation by a board-certified dermatologist provides valuable information about the cause and severity of your hair loss, as well as the most effective treatment plan to address it.